Per-Anders Jörgensen
XF18mm F2
Newfoundland was built on cod, the banks in the Atlantic waters so rich with this prized fish that you could lower a bucket in the sea and it would come up filled with fish. But extensive overfishing took its toll and the cod was practically extinct in the late 1980's, an entire society based on fishing collapsed. The 1992 moratorium banned the fishing of cod in a desperate attempt to save the fish and now 20 years later the cod is back in massive numbers and incredible sizes.

Leaning out of a boat on a beautiful September morning I shot this image to a soundtrack of hundreds of screaming seagulls having arrived for a free meal. The Fuji was inches above the unusually calm sea; “If your photographs aren't good enough, you're not close enough” Robert Capa once said. It still applies in every way.
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